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Tips to Let go of Sentimental Clutter

Year-end is the perfect time to get rid of stuff. Out with the old! Decluttering is about letting go of things that are no longer useful, enjoyable or meaningful at this point in your life. It’s time to let go…

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Why Do We HATE Doing Laundry?

Why is doing laundry such a third-rail issue, especially for busy moms? Some people hate doing laundry so much that dirty (or clean) clothes are scattered on floors. Yes, they get walked on. This is just a symptom of a…

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Is a Capsule Wardrobe Right for You?

Is rotating seasonal clothes on your to-do list? The change of seasons is a perfect time to get rid of everything that is outdated, stained, doesn’t fit or you just don’t wear. A trend called capsule wardrobe considerably decreases the…

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Get Happy: Organize a Closet

“I feel happier, lighter, less stressed and more in control,” my clients exclaim after we organize a space. They have a sense of accomplishing something important. I literally see relief in their faces as we make progress. Spring starts on…

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Avoid Back-To-School Chaos (08.18.15)

Transitioning from the less structured days of summer to a school routine can be challenging. But there are many ways to ease into the first days of school. Getting off to a positive start can influence confidence, attitude and aptitude. Here…

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10 Top Spring Organizing Tips (05.20.15)

Here in the northeast the forecast is for a beautiful few days leading into the Memorial Day weekend. Yay! We earned it after suffering through the polar vortex last winter! Here are 10 top spring organizing tips, some or all…

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Dinner Without Robocalls?

Happy new year!  All my best for a happy, healthy and organized 2014! I'm celebrating the new year with a new Web site, logo and tagline. Also, my Timely Tips™ e-newsletter has morphed into a Timely Tips™ blog. I hope…

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My Best-Ever Donation Tips

              As a professional organizer, I see too many homes filled with Too Many Things. Why? Because Things are brought in--year after year, decade after decade, and far fewer Things go back out. Over…

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Holiday Entertaining Made Easier

Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. When else is it considered appropriate to overfill plates with food and stuff ourselves?  And it is a time to give thanks for our many blessings. To make holiday entertaining easier, here are 7…

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