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Shocking News: Does YOUR Surge Protector Protect You?

Our everyday lives rely on smartphones, tablets, computers, chargers, routers, TVs, electric coffeemakers, electric toothbrushes and so many other devices that depend on power to operate. Have you given much (or any) thought to protecting them from getting fried? We’re…

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Do You Know What’s In Your Wallet?

My aunt’s friend Lee was driving home after having dinner with The Girls. All of a sudden she realized she didn’t have her handbag! She frantically tried to remember what was in it, especially in her wallet, but her mind went blank. Panicked,…

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4 Life-Saving Tips (September 2014)

We've all heard important tips about how to protect ourselves in case of emergency or disaster — such as having a first-aid kit, flashlight and enough bottled water and dry food to last a few days. September is National Preparedness…

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Is Your Data Safe? Maybe Not!

Most people think of natural disasters when discussing national preparedness but I think you’ll agree that losing your device would qualify as a disaster! You may not be able to prevent losing your device but you can protect your data…

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Essential Back-To-School Tips

The morning of the first day of school can be a frenetic, crazy time! By planning ahead, things can run smoother. Whether your child is starting school for the very first time or a returning student, here are a dozen…

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Protect Your Castle

A man's home is his castle, right? In the Middle Ages, knights protected the castles. Today there are lots of security systems to protect your home, usually for a fee. However, there are many things you can do yourself that…

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Think You’re Safe Online?

Were you as shocked as I was to learn last week that hackers stole 6.5 million LinkedIn users' passwords and posted them online? These security breaches should scare you! They certainly scare me. According to Digital Trends, a surprising number…

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