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Is Your Kitchen Making You Fat?

Spring started March 20. Ahhh, the glorious colors and delightful smells of spring flowers. This time of year, thoughts turn to warm-weather activities, which then may turn to extra pounds gained over the winter. Maybe it’s because we’re indoors without…

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Secrets of Success in the Kitchen (July 2014)

Did you know that July 25 is Culinarians Day? It’s a day dedicated to chefs – or anyone who cooks.  Speaking of food, I’m proud to share with you that a previous blog post (July 18, 2013) on food clutter…

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17 Smart Ideas to Organize Your Kitchen

Reader Question It occurred to me that we can have food clutter like any other clutter. How do we manage food in the pantry, fridge and freezer and stay on top of expiration dates?  ~Karen Gibson Great question! Food is…

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Rx Drug Disposal

The fourth National Prescription Take-Back Day, run by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), is this Saturday, April 28, from 10:00-2:00. This program was created to give people a safe way to dispose of expired or unwanted prescription (Rx) drugs. Review…

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Holiday Entertaining Made Easier

Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. When else is it considered appropriate to overfill plates with food and stuff ourselves?  And it is a time to give thanks for our many blessings. To make holiday entertaining easier, here are 7…

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