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A TV Spot I hadn’t Seen Gave me my Future

Twenty years ago, November 2000, I founded An Organized Approach. In tech terms, that’s like the Stone Age! Most people I knew didn’t have home computers. Social media popularity was still a few years away. As November 2020 ends, I…

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From Dorm to Apartment—10 Essential Tips

Guest post by Lisa S. Griffith, CPO [Here are] some hard-learned lessons from parents who have moved our millennial kids from dorms to apartments multiple times (to date: 2 kids/7 apartments over the past 6 years). And yes, when I…

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17 Clever Uses For Ziploc Bags

When I was a new professional organizer in 2000 in a new industry (National Association of Professional Organizers started in 1985; a name change is about to become public), there were challenges. Lots of them. The main one? No one…

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Is Your Kitchen Making You Fat?

Spring started March 20. Ahhh, the glorious colors and delightful smells of spring flowers. This time of year, thoughts turn to warm-weather activities, which then may turn to extra pounds gained over the winter. Maybe it’s because we’re indoors without…

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