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Need On-Demand Home Services — Find Them Here

Keeping a household running smoothly is a lot of work. It’s time-consuming. And generally not considered fun. There are chores we cannot do, don’t have time to do or just don’t want to do. Good news! On-demand home services are…

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Why Do We HATE Doing Laundry?

Why is doing laundry such a third-rail issue, especially for busy moms? Some people hate doing laundry so much that dirty (or clean) clothes are scattered on floors. Yes, they get walked on. This is just a symptom of a…

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Make 2019 YOUR Year to Get Organized

Happy New Year! Organizing has come a long, long way since 2000 when I started An Organized Approach – most people didn’t even have home computers! According to (12.27.18): Wanting to get organized is the second of the top…

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Junk Drawer: Organize it in Just 15 Minutes

Junk drawer—love it or hate it The holiday season is here. Lots to do. Too little time. You’re wrapping gifts and preparing goodie bags with name tags. But you can’t find scissors, tape or stapler in your junk drawer. Next…

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